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ASM strives to maintain a clear and transparent record of scientific progress. A key element to this openness is the accuracy and richness of an article’s metadata, which is accessible to the entire scholarly community. ASM article metadata, however, is not just limited to information about authors, DOIs, abstracts, and citations. As a publisher, we also include robust and verified information regarding funding agencies and their various awards.
The Crossref Funder Registry is an open archive of funders found throughout the world, and their accompanying IDs (much like DOIs for articles and ORCIDs for authors). Using this registry has the following benefits:
The key to this registry is the ID, which provides an easy way to find and map various funding names found throughout the scholarly record to a single source.
ASM collects funding data from authors at two points during an article’s life cycle: at submission and during the page proofing process. These data include funder names and institutions, awards or grant names, and the author(s) receiving that grant.
The absolute best time to provide these funding data is during the submission process. The reason: ASM has chosen to integrate our submission system with the Open Funder Registry, which means that the input is validated as the name is entered. This means that funder names are standardized and mapped to the appropriate ID if one exists.
These data are then automatically transferred to an article’s metadata for eventual publication.
Although ASM has made every effort to provide simple and intuitive methods for entering funder data, we understand that every minute spent typing data into a submission form is a minute taken away from your research. That is why we have created multiple aids in validating and checking this critical information to make this component of the process as automated as possible. These tools can only flag possible errors within the data. They cannot actually resolve them; as a publisher, we cannot confirm or correct the source or recipient of the funding, but we can help authors to deliver the information accurately and ensure that grant organizations and institutions are notified when their funded results enter the scholarly record.
ASM includes these validated and verified funder names within an article’s metadata, where it is viewable through the Crossmark logo found on each article.
These data are also available to machines and computer programs for analysis by funders, institutions, and other interested organizations. Authors are also permitted to include a free-form version of funding and award information within the Acknowledgments section of an article. Because this section is readable text (as opposed to metadata), it is not limited to the strict requirements of the funding registry, so there is more freedom to include specific program names or non-monetary awards. It is important to note that information found within the Acknowledgments section is not distributed with an article’s metadata and, therefore, will not necessarily be accessible in the same open way. This is why we strongly encourage authors to add funding information at submission.