Viruses represent a critical component of environmental microbiomes. This is because viral infection of microbial hosts can have cascading effects on ecosystem function by augmenting host metabolism/phenotype, population dynamics, community interactions, and host evolution (as gene transfer agents) (
2). Studies of environmental viruses have focused primarily on viruses with DNA genomes. This is partially due to the challenges of recovering sufficient RNA from water or soil for sequencing and detecting viral signals within a high background of ribosomal RNA sequences (
4). These challenges are exacerbated by the small genome size of many RNA viruses (
5). Thus, the genomic diversity of RNA viruses remains substantially under-sampled across environments, with each new study extending the boundaries of the known RNA virosphere (
RNA viruses’ ecological and evolutionary impacts on environmental microbiomes are likely distinct from DNA viruses due to key differences in their fundamental biology. For example, a diversity of hosts are infected by RNA viruses (including bacteria, archaea, and microbial eukaryotes, as well as higher eukaryotes like plants and arthropods) (
11), while studies of dsDNA viruses mainly capture bacteria-infecting viruses (bacteriophages or phages). Additionally, the diversity of eukaryotic hosts tends to be higher than prokaryotic hosts (
13), infections may be cryptic without obvious changes in host phenotype (
14), and many RNA viruses are vertically transmitted without an extracellular state (
15). Soils, in particular, appear to harbor a vast reservoir of RNA viral diversity (
13), with a high prevalence of RNA bacteriophages in addition to eukaryotic RNA viruses (
16). Despite the potential for substantial and distinct impacts of RNA viruses on environmental microbiomes, our understanding of their diversity and ecology remains underexplored.
Distinct RNA viral communities have been observed across broad soil types (
13), and investigating the specific factors shaping RNA viral communities in soil is an area of active study. Host community composition is an obvious driver of viral community composition, given the parasitic nature of viruses (
17–19). Therefore, factors that influence soil bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, such as soil pH, soil water content, and other biotic and abiotic factors (
21), may indirectly shape the viral component of soil microbiomes. This is supported by evidence of viral responses to soil water content (
16), though direct effects of moisture may also contribute. Plant and rhizosphere effects encompass a suite of interrelated factors that also influence the RNA viral community composition (
22). Other evidence suggests that drivers of viral community composition may be decoupled from those of their hosts. For example, a significant distance-decay relationship was observed in phage communities detected in California grassland soils but not in the co-existing bacterial communities (
23). Our current understanding of the potential factors shaping RNA viral communities in soils has been derived from the enrichment of extracellular virus particles (
10), which excludes the substantial proportion of RNA viruses that are expected to be obligate intracellular viruses (
14), and from a few microcosm-scale experiments, which substantially alter the environmental conditions of the microbiome prior to analysis (
16). Thus, a key knowledge gap remains about the relative contributions of multiple potential drivers shaping the composition of soil RNA viral communities
in situ.
Here, we address this knowledge gap by evaluating the direct and indirect effects of environmental factors including soil water content (water holding capacity or WHC), soil depth (depth), plant presence (planted and bare soils), and plant genotype (type of cultivar) on soil RNA viral communities. We hypothesize that environmental factors directly influence the composition and associated genetic diversity of soil RNA viral communities as well as indirectly through the potential host communities. The RNA viral communities and the co-existing prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities were recovered from the total RNA metatranscriptomes sequenced from soils with a range of field manipulations. The design of the field experiment includes high and low irrigation regimes (creating soils with different water contents) across planted and unplanted plots (plant presence) with two genotypes of perennial tall wheatgrass (
Thinopyrum ponticum; cultivar type) (
24), thus enabling us to evaluate the contributions of several environmental factors within the same field site. Our field site was planted in May 2018 at the Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center located in Prosser, WA, and represents an arid grassland ecosystem with marginal soil, as previously described (
25). Grasslands are globally important ecosystems that provide a variety of ecosystem services and marginal grasslands may hold additional potential for bioenergy crop production and carbon sequestration (
26). Irrigation treatments at our field site have been ongoing for 5 years (since spring 2019), allowing us to test environmental treatment effects on RNA viral communities. Field-relevant evidence from this study advances understanding of how environmental and community factors collectively influence the composition of soil RNA viruses and provides a conceptual framework for how virus-host relationships shift in response to environmental changes.
Soil sampling and RNA extraction
On 15 October 2020, bulk soil samples were randomly collected from 24 plots within the Tall Wheatgrass Irrigation Field Trial in Prosser WA, USA (46°15′04″N and 119°43′43″W) (
25). Each experimental plot is 2.1 m × 10.7 m with a 1.5 m alley between adjacent plots. The sampled plots represent soils with different combinations of environmental treatments, each in three biological replicates (see
Fig. 1 for experimental design). The 24 samples include three field replicates of surface (0–5 cm) soils planted with two cultivars (Jose and Alkar) at two irrigation levels (irrigation intensity: 25% and 100% of WHC) (
n = 12); three field replicates of subsurface soil (15–25 cm) planted with Jose cultivar for both irrigation treatments (
n = 6); and two soil depths for the bare plots (0–5 cm and 15–25 cm;
n = 6). Within each plot, four independent cores (91.4 cm long, 1.9 cm diameter) were aseptically collected from random locations within 15.2 cm of the nearest plant. Tall wheatgrass has continuous coverage in each plot with primarily vertical roots. The four cores were composited to generate one representative sample per plot. Samples were transported to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) on ice, flash-frozen in liquid N
2, and stored at −80°C prior to RNA extraction. The soil water content of each sample was measured by the gravimetric method (
24). More details about the design of the field experiment and soil sampling can be found in our previous publication (
Total RNA was extracted using the Zymo Quick-RNA fecal/soil microbe miniprep (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA), incorporating the DNase I treatment using Zymo’s DNase I kit (Zymo Research) by following the manufacturer’s instructions with modifications [i.e., doubling the amount of soil per extraction (from 0.25 g to 0.5 g) and pooling triplicated extractions as one]. RNA concentration was assessed using a Qubit RNA HS assay kit (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA), and RNA quality was determined using an Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA).
Metatranscriptome sequencing and de novo assembly
The total RNA extracted from each soil sample was sequenced by GENEWIZ/Azenta (GENEWIZ/Azenta Life Sciences, South Plainfield, NJ) using an Illumina platform. The raw metatranscriptome data were deposited with our previous publication (
24). The raw reads of the metatranscriptomes used in this study were trimmed and quality-filtered by Trimmomatic (v0.33) using the default parameters. The trimmed reads were further aligned to the PhiX genome by Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (v0.7.17). The exact matches were filtered out to remove the potential PhiX contamination commonly used as a control for Illumina sequencing. Ribosomal RNA reads were bioinformatically removed using SortMeRNA (v4.3.4). The remaining reads of each metatranscriptome were
de novo assembled using MEGAHIT (v1.2.9) with the default parameters. The description of each metatranscriptome used in this study is included in Table S1.
Identification of RNA viral sequences
The assembled contigs were subjected to RNA viral sequence identification via two methods, the presence of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) or the high sequence similarity to the RNA viral genomes in the reference databases curated in this study (
16). Genes of the assembled contigs were predicted and translated using Prodigal (v2.6.3). The protein sequences were searched against a suite of RdRP Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) using hmmsearch (Hmmer v3.1b2) (
13). Putative RdRP sequences were identified with cutoffs of coverage ≥ 50%, e-value < 1e−10, and score ≥ 70. The RdRP HMM search method was applied as the primary method to capture the sequence diversity in soil RNA viruses and complemented with a viral genome searching method using stringent cutoffs to minimize the detection of potential false positives. The RNA viral reference database was composed of 6,621 complete RNA viral genomes collected from the NCBI virus database (accessed on 12 August 2022), 378,253 RNA viral contigs from the RVMT database (v3) (
7), and 858 RNA viral genomes published in a terrestrial RNA viral study (
8). The assembled contigs were queried against the curated RNA viral reference database using BLASTN (v2.13.0) and screened at the cutoffs of e-value < 1e−10, percent of identity > 90%, and coverage > 50%. The RNA viral contigs that were not detected in the curated viral reference database using the searching criteria were considered novel.
Taxonomic and host assignment of the RNA viral contigs
To avoid overestimation of the RNA viral diversity, RdRP, the phylogenetic marker of RNA viruses, was used for clustering the RNA viral contigs and making the taxonomic assignment as demonstrated previously (
16). For the RNA viral contigs that were lacking RdRP genes and thus identified via searching against the curated reference database, they inherited the RdRP gene from the most closely related RNA viral genome in the database (e-value < 1e−10, percent of identity > 90%, and coverage > 50%) and its taxonomic assignment. The RdRPs directly detected in identified RNA viral contigs were clustered with these assigned RdRPs at 99% of identity by CD-HIT (v 4.8.1). The number of RdRP clusters normalized by the sequencing depth of each sample was used to represent the richness of the detected RNA viral community. We acknowledge that RNA viruses without an RdRP (e.g., retroviruses) were not investigated in this study. Taxonomic and putative host assignments of the identified RNA viral contigs were made according to the classified RNA viral reference genomes in the same RdRP cluster. The average read coverage of the detected RNA viral contigs was calculated to estimate the relative abundance of the recovered RNA viruses. The quality-filtered forward reads were aligned to the identified RNA viral contigs and filtered at the percent of identity greater than 95% and coverage higher than 80% by BamM (v1.7.3, bamm make and bamm filter). We then used samtools (v1.9, samtools depth) to calculate the read coverage per base for each contig. The average count of the total quality-filtered forward reads of the 24 metatranscriptomes was calculated to normalize each of the contig coverage. The normalized contig coverage was then used to estimate the relative abundances of the identified RNA viral contigs and compared across samples.
Detections of potentially active eukaryotes and prokaryotes
The small subunit (SSU) rRNAs were used to detect the co-existing eukaryotes and prokaryotes in each sample. The forward metatranscriptomic reads without rRNA removal were aligned to the SILVA prokaryotic and eukaryotic SSU databases (release 138.1, Ref NR 99) and filtered using the same method mentioned above. The transcript abundances of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic members were estimated by the average base coverage of the mapped SSU rRNA reference sequences normalized by the total counts of reads per sample.
Statistical analyses
To compare the relative complexity of the five communities recovered across the 24 soil samples, principal component analysis on the composition of each community (RdRP- or SSU rRNA-informed abundance matrix) was performed using “prcomp” in R (v4.3.0), and the cumulative proportion of variance explained with an increasing number of principal components was calculated for each community type (i.e., eukaryotic community, eukaryotic RNA viral community, prokaryotic community, prokaryotic RNA viral community, and the total RNA viral community). The compositions between treatments were compared by calculating Bray-Curtis dissimilarity using the Function “vegdist” and the significance of the differences between each pair was evaluated by t-test. The nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis was performed using the Function “metaMDS” in R (v4.3.0). The significance of the environmental factors’ impacts on community composition was assessed by permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) using the Function “adonis2,” which performs an F-test with 999 permutations.
We performed Pearson correlations and random forest analyses to investigate the associations between the environmental factors (i.e., water content, presence of plant, type of cultivar, and soil depth) and soil biological community factors (i.e., abundance, richness, and the first principal component or PC1 of eukaryotic, prokaryotic, or RNA viral communities used to estimate beta diversity). Pearson correlations were computed and their significance was evaluated using the “Hmisc” package (P < 0.05). We further conducted random forest analysis, a machine learning method, to investigate the relative contribution of each environmental factor and, eukaryotic and prokaryotic community factor in predicting the eukaryotic/prokaryotic/total RNA viral abundance and richness using the “rfPermute” package with permutations for each model (ntree = 100, num.rep = 50). The significant predictors (P < 0.05) were evaluated based on the percentage increase in mean squared error (%IncMSE) and an increase in node purity (IncNodePurity), a representation of the relative variable importance. The cross-validated r2 and the P-value of each model were generated using the “A3” package. The correlation coefficients of the significant relationships detected in the correlation and random forest analyses were used to generate a factor network using a greedy modularity optimization algorithm to detect the closely connected factors within a specific module with fewer connections across modules using the “igraph” package.
We applied structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the hypothesis that the soil eukaryotic RNA viruses are strongly influenced by the eukaryotic members and respond to the environmental factors directly and indirectly. The model structure was based on the significant relationships detected by the correlation and random forest analysis and the module structure identified in the network analysis. A Chi-square (χ2) test was performed and the comparative fit index (CFI) was calculated to evaluate the model fit (cutoffs: P-value of the χ2 test > 0.05, CFI > 0.8). After selecting the model with the best fit to the data, the R package “semPaths” was used to create the SEM diagram with the result of path analysis. The connection and strength of the resolved paths in the SEM model were evaluated by path coefficients representing the change of dependent variable with a unit change in the explanatory variable and P-values demonstrating the significance of the paths (P < 0.05 was considered significant in this study). The direct impact of one variable on another that was supported by the SEM was plotted as a directional arrow.
Studies on soil RNA viral communities are still in their infancy. A consensus has not yet been reached on the relative dominance of eukaryotic RNA viruses versus prokaryotic RNA viruses in soil (estimated by the number of unique contigs/vOTUs). In our study conducted in arid grassland soils from a field experiment representing multiple environmental and management treatments, we found that the normalized abundance of eukaryotic RNA viruses was nearly three times higher than that of prokaryotic RNA viruses. This observation aligns with the few studies available to date on RNA viral communities in soils (
16). In a California annual grassland, the abundance of eukaryotic RNA viral contigs was about 1.8 times greater than the prokaryotic RNA viral contigs (
12). A higher normalized relative abundance of eukaryotic RNA viruses compared to prokaryotic RNA viruses was also reported in a Kansas grassland (
16) and thawed permafrost (
13). The dominance of RNA viruses that infect eukaryotic hosts rather than prokaryotic hosts may be generalizable to other soils and/or ecosystems. A recent global RNA viral study demonstrated that prokaryotic RNA viruses accounted for less than 25% of the RNA viruses detected in the metatranscriptomic data sets sequenced on the total RNA (
7). Together, these emerging results point to the predominance of eukaryotic RNA viruses in soil RNA viral communities, though more studies are needed to evaluate this trend more broadly. Furthermore, new protocols targeting double-stranded RNA viruses are needed to complement the current method and provide more comprehensive profiling of the complex soil RNA viral communities. We acknowledge the historical bias toward animal viruses and the resulting possibility of misannotated viral hosts in the public databases used for viral identification. Thus, we encourage more community efforts in validating and updating virus-host databases to improve the accuracy of viral host assignments enabling cross-study comparison.
The methodological approach used to evaluate RNA viruses influences which subset of the total RNA viral community is being considered. Here, we analyzed metatranscriptomes sequenced from total soil RNA, enabling the detection of RNA viruses that transmit through an extracellular phase as well as those that remain intracellular, which is complementary to the approach that sequences RNA following enrichment of only extracellular virus-like particles (
10). Diverse RNA viral communities spanning four of the five International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses-classified RNA viral phyla (which use RdRP to replicate) (
28) were detected in the studied grassland soils. In these bulk metatranscriptomic data, sequences were recovered from RNA viruses such as
Gammapartitivirus belonging to
Partitiviridae that infect ascomycetous fungi and are only transmitted during cell division/fusion (
29). The approach implemented in this and other studies, however, relies on using RdRP sequences for viral taxonomic identification and therefore underestimates the contribution of eukaryote-infecting
Retroviridae that replicate without using RdRP (
30). Metatranscriptomes generated without rRNA depletion or polyA enrichment (known as a metatranscriptome sequenced on total RNA) enable SSU rRNA-based profiling of the co-existing prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities that contain potential hosts for the detected RNA viruses
. We leveraged this advantage to also analyze co-existing eukaryotic and prokaryotic communities and found that the variation in the RNA viral communities recovered in soil under different environmental conditions was much higher compared to that in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities from the same samples. Viral replication is highly dependent on host activity and metabolic machinery (
31). Therefore, the variation observed within the RNA viral community in response to environmental perturbations is suspected to be similar to that of their hosts. However, we found a much higher dissimilarity in RNA viruses across samples under different environmental conditions compared to their hosts. This result suggests that factors beyond the prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities may regulate the composition of RNA viral communities in soil. We then further examine some of these factors measured/calculated in this study.
The design of our field experiment, which has been ongoing for 5 years, provided an opportunity to concurrently evaluate the contributions of multiple environmental factors to shaping RNA viral communities at a field scale. These factors include water content, presence of plant, type of plant cultivar, and soil depth which may directly or indirectly (through effects on host communities) impact soil RNA viral communities. Although the metatranscriptomes were sequenced from bulk soils, rather than rhizosphere (root-associated) soils, the presence of plants (i.e., bare soils versus planted soils) plays a strong role in structuring the soil RNA viral communities. This is because plant cover promotes biodiversity in soil (
32) and may also support the growth of the eukaryotic members, in turn supporting the associated RNA viruses. After removing the bare soil samples from the ordination analysis, the significant impact of soil depth increment, irrigation intensity, and type of cultivar on the RNA viral communities emerged. We hypothesize that these factors directly influence soil viruses (e.g., the fate of RNA viruses in soils) as well as indirectly influence the RNA viral community composition by affecting the prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities. The factor network structure supports the hypothesis of the direct and indirect impacts of environmental factors on soil RNA viral communities. The direct effects hypothesis is supported by the modularity analysis on the factor network that shows environmental factors such as soil water content (Water) and depth (Depth) were directly clustered with the factors representing RNA viral communities. In contrast, the environmental factors such as type of cultivar (Cultivar) and presence of plant (Planted_Bare) were indirectly linked to the module with the RNA viral community factors. This indirect link is suspected to be a directional impact from the environmental factors through eukaryotes and prokaryotes that include hosts of the soil RNA viruses and then to the detected RNA viruses.
The hierarchical structure (i.e., the direct and indirect effects on RNA viral communities) of environmental and community factors was supported by structural equation modeling, at least for eukaryotic viral communities. The SEM provides a better model fit for eukaryotic and eukaryotic RNA viral data than prokaryotic and prokaryotic RNA viral data. This could be due to the current understanding that the most abundant eukaryotes (i.e., plants and fungi) in soil are associated with RNA viruses (
13) and the majority of the dsDNA viruses detected from bulk soil metagenomes and viromes are bacteriophages (
33). The water content (Water) shows a strong positive impact directly on eukaryotic RNA viral richness (“Water” to “Euk.RNA.V.richness”) and indirectly on eukaryotic RNA viral abundance (“Water” to “Euk.abundance” to “Euk.RNA.V.abund”). Increasing soil water content, especially in sandy soils as studied here, is expected to improve viral transport in the soil matrix increasing the spatial turnover rate of the viral communities and thus a higher viral richness per unit of soil sampled (
34). The indirect impact of water content on eukaryotic RNA viruses may be a result of higher soil water content alleviating water stress for viral hosts in this semi-arid soil and/or promoting nutrient mobility to support the growth (abundance) of the hosts and associated viruses. Plant presence (Cultivar_Bare) also had a direct impact on the richness of eukaryotic RNA viruses. In addition to serving as hot spots of inter-species interactions (
35), plant roots may serve as the media to retain RNA viruses. Viral adsorption to particulate materials has been reported to improve the survival of RNA viruses in terrestrial and aquatic systems (
34). This may explain why the relative abundance of the dominant eukaryotic RNA viruses belonging to
Mitoviridae was less abundant in bare soils in contrast to the planted soils, while their host, fungal communities, did not follow the same pattern (Fig. S3 and S4). Our previous study has shown the different ecotypes of tall wheatgrass recruit distinct microbiomes (
24). Similarly, different RNA viral communities were recovered in soils planted with Alkar and Jose. Alkar is a native cultivar bred in the northwest of the North American Continent (e.g., the studied grassland) and Jose is introduced from the southwest USA because of its tolerance to saline and alkaline soils (
36). The native cultivar is suspected to retain eukaryotic and prokaryotic communities with members that may gain resistance to viral infections after the co-evolution with viruses of the site. This may explain why less abundant and less diverse RNA viruses were detected in the soils with Alkar than in soils with Jose. Although soil “Depth” was clustered with the factors representing RNA viral communities in the network analysis, the SEM analysis suggests a strong negative relationship with eukaryotic communities. This negative relationship is consistent with the previous report that eukaryotes were mainly detected in the upper soil layer and their richness decreased with depth (
37). The SEM analysis provides a conceptual framework of how the environmental factors shape the eukaryotic RNA viral communities in soil and can be further tested in other studies.
Our findings collectively underscore the possible predominance of eukaryotic RNA viruses within these grassland RNA viral communities. They also emphasize the need for further research and the development of new protocols aimed at understanding the ecological significance of double-stranded RNA viruses. We recovered novel RNA viral communities from metatranscriptomes sequenced from grassland soils that have been exposed to a range of field treatments. The classified RNA viral communities are dominated by eukaryotic RNA viruses belonging to Mitoviridae. Our statistical analyses suggest that environmental factors have both direct and indirect impacts on soil RNA viral communities. For example, soil water content, presence of plant, and type of cultivar may have a direct positive impact on eukaryotic RNA viral richness and an indirect impact on eukaryotic RNA viral abundance via influencing the co-existing eukaryotic species. This study proposes an integrated framework to study the complex interactions between environment and microbial communities in the field and inform their potential causal relationship that can be tested in incubation studies.