Identifying and Overcoming Threats to Reproducibility, Replicability, Robustness, and Generalizability in Microbiome Research
Developing a framework.
Methods | Same experimental system | Different experimental system |
Same methods | Reproducibility | Replicability |
Different methods | Robustness | Generalizability |
An example.
Practice | Good | Better | Best |
Handling of confounding variables | Prior to generating data, did we identify a list of possible confounding variables—biological and technical—that may obscure the interpretation of our results? | Do we indicate the level of randomization and experimental blocking that we performed to minimize the effect of the confounding variables? | Does the interpretation of our results limit itself to only those variables that are not obviously confounded? |
Sex/gender as confounding variables | Do we indicate the sex/gender of research animals/participants? | Do we provide a justification for the lack of even representation? | Is there equitable representation of sexes/genders? Do we account for them as a variable? |
Experimental design considerations | Do we have an active collaboration with a statistician who helps with experimental design and analysis? | Do we indicate the number of hypothesis tests that we performed and have we corrected any P values for multiple comparisons? | For our primary research questions, have we run a power analysis to determine the necessary sample size? |
Data analysis plan | Before starting an analysis, have we articulated a set of primary and secondary research questions? | Has someone else reviewed our data analysis plan prior to analyzing the data? | Have we registered our data analysis plan with a third party before starting the project? |
Provenance of reagents | Is there a table of reagents such as cell lines, strains, and primer sequences that were used? | Where possible, have we obtained reagents from certified entities like the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)? | Is there a statement indicating how we know the provenance and purity of each cell line and strain? |
Controlling for initial microbiota | Are mice obtained from a breeding facility that allows us to track their pedigree? | Where possible, are mice from different treatment groups cohoused to control for differences in initial microbiota? | Are comparisons between mice with different genotypes made using mice that are the result of matings between animals that are heterozygous for that genotype? |
Clarity of software descriptions | Are all methods, databases, and software tools cited? Do we follow the relevant licensing requirements of each tool? | Do we indicate dates and version numbers of websites that were used to obtain data, code, and other third-party resources? | Are detailed methods registered on a website like or GitHub? |
DNA contamination | Did we quantify the background DNA concentration in our reagents? Did we sequence an extraction control? | Are we taking steps to minimize reagent contamination? | What methods do we take to confirm a result that a sequencing result may be clouded by contaminating DNA? |
Availability of data products | Are all of the raw data publicly available? | Are intermediate and final data files publicly available? | Are tools like Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) used to make a snapshot of our working directory? |
Availability of metadata | Are all of the metadata necessary to repeat any analyses that we performed publicly available? | Have we adhered to standards in releasing the minimum amount of metadata about our samples? | Did we go beyond the minimum to incorporate other pieces of metadata that will inform future studies? |
Data analysis organization | Are all data, code, results, and documentation housed within a monophyletic folder structure on our computer? | Is this project contained within a single directory on our computer, and does it separate our raw and processed data, code, documentation, and results? | Is this folder structure under version control? Is the project’s repository publicly available? Are there assurances that this repository will remain accessible? |
Availability of data analysis tools | Are free and open tools used in preference to proprietary commercial tools? | Is the computer code required to run analyses available through a service like GitHub? | Are Amazon Machine Images or Docker containers used to allow recreation of our work environment? |
Documentation of data analysis workflow | Is our code well documented? Do we use a self-commenting coding practice? | Does each of our scripts have a header indicating the inputs, outputs, and dependencies? Is it documented how files relate to each other? | Are automated workflow tools like GNU Make and Common Workflow Language used to convert raw data into final tables, figures, and summary statistics? |
Use of random number generator | Do we know whether any of the steps in our data analysis workflow depend on the use of a random number generator? | For analyses that utilize a random number generator, have we noted the underlying random seed? | Have we repeated our analysis with multiple seeds to show that the results are insensitive to the choice of the seed? |
Defensive data analysis | Is our data analysis pipeline flexible enough to add new data? | Does our code include tests to confirm that it does what we think it does? | Did we make use of automated tests and continuous integration tools to ensure internal reproducibility? |
Ensuring short- and long-term reproducibility | Did we release the underlying code and new data at the time of submitting a paper with their DOIs and accession numbers? | Did we include a reproducibility statement or declaration at the end of the manuscript? Are ORCID identifiers provided for all authors? | What mechanisms are in place to ensure that our analysis remains accessible and reproducible in 5 years? |
Open science to foster reproducibility | Have we released any embargoes on our code repository and raw data prior to submitting the manuscript? | Did we post a preprint version of our manuscript prior to submission? | Have we published under a Creative Commons license? Is a permissive reuse license posted with our code? |
Transparency of data analysis | Is it clear where one would go to find the data and processing steps behind any of our figures? | Are electronic notebooks publicly accessible, and do they accompany the manuscript? | Were literate programming tools used to generate summary statistics, tables, and figures? |
Information & Contributors
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