Masks and respirators for prevention of respiratory infections: a state of the science review
Rationale and aim
Methodological approach
Study design | Contribution | Strengths | Limitations |
Laboratory studies | |||
Laboratory studies of aerosols and aerosolized pathogens | Developing and testing hypotheses about how aerosols (and pathogens in aerosols) behave | Generates mechanistic evidence about how transmission occurs and how masks might work to reduce it; relatively low cost | Requires an understanding of physics, engineering and fluid dynamics, plus specialized equipment (see Transmission of Respiratory Infections and Table 2 for further details) |
Material and engineering studies | Developing and refining physical properties needed for masks (notably, filtration standards) | Generates mechanistic evidence on filtration properties of mask materials; randomization and controls routinely used as appropriate, informs engineering standards, relatively low cost | Requires an understanding of chemistry, materials and engineering, plus specialized equipment (see What Are Masks and How Do They Work? and Table 2 for further details) |
Randomized controlled trials | |||
RCTs randomized by individual participant | Testing hypotheses about the efficacy of a specific intervention in preventing wearers from getting infected or testing the efficacy of source control (preventing outward transmission from infected to uninfected people) | High internal validity (can demonstrate efficacy of a specific intervention in a particular context and potential for efficacy in other contexts); a specific intervention can be developed or selected; strong design to use when unmeasured confounding is a concern | Expensive and long duration; unless informed by mechanistic understanding, interventions may be suboptimally designed, leading to underestimation of efficacy; cannot measure bidirectional effects (on wearer and source control) (23). Some methodological variations include mismeasurement of outcomes (e.g. 24, 25)]; interventions may be heterogeneously applied across trials (e.g., continuous vs intermittent N95 use); variation in disease prevalence may lead to underpowering; if outcome is a communicable disease, outcomes in individuals randomized to different interventions within a closed setting such as a household or hospital are not independent (cluster randomization must be used); limited external validity (a negative result cannot prove lack of efficacy under other conditions); and lack of difference between arms in the absence of a no-mask control arm may reflect equal inefficacy or equal efficacy; ethical concerns if researchers are not in equipoise (26) |
RCTs randomized by locality or organization (cluster RCTs) | Testing hypotheses about the efficacy of a specific intervention in reducing disease transmission in a population | High internal validity; a specific intervention can be developed or selected; bias due to non-independence of outcomes is less problematic than in individually randomized RCTs (27, 28) | May be even more expensive than RCTs randomized by individual; long duration. Interventions developed without mechanistic understanding or poor choice of intervention or outcome measures may be suboptimally designed, resulting in underestimation of efficacy. May still be unable to tease apart direct and indirect impacts of masks, potentially resulting in overestimation of efficacy; ethical concerns if researchers are not in equipoise |
Observational designs and modeling | |||
Observational studies: cohort and case-control | Assessing the likelihood of an outcome based on exposure status | Can be conducted more rapidly, retrospectively, or prospectively, and at lower cost than RCTs (14) | Common to all observational studies is the risk of bias, confounding, or effect modification (e.g., due to concurrent policy changes such as lockdown); known confounders can be adjusted to some extent using multivariate regression analysis. Studies that use surveillance data may be subject to ascertainment bias (e.g., if cases are identified only on the basis of symptomatic illness, rather than evidence of infection). There may be confounding by indication (e.g., masks tend to be introduced when risk is elevated). Such biases, if present, would lead to an underestimate of the protective effect from masking. |
Observational studies: ecological studies and quasi-experiments | Documenting what happens before and after an intervention is introduced in a real-world setting (e.g., community mask mandates). | Can be rapid and low cost; geographical variation can permit adjustment for unmeasured confounding (pseudo-randomization) using instrumental variable analysis | |
Observational studies: “real-world evidence” | Large observational, epidemiological studies using data derived from administrative databases | Can be rapid and low cost | |
Modeling studies | Models are simplified versions of reality, which can provide insights into complex phenomena and test hypothetical future scenarios. There are many different modeling methods (e.g., SEIR, agent based, and statistical). | Can impute indirect effects of an intervention (e.g., impact of some people masking on others who do not mask). Helps optimize interventions by answering “what-if” questions (e.g., to assess costs vs benefits of modifications); useful for future scenarios (e.g., pandemic planning) or crisis response. Good models are transparent and can be reproduced, use evidence-based parameters, and deal with uncertainty by using sensitivity analyses. | Depends on the quality of input data, which be unavailable or suboptimal (“garbage in, garbage out”), and on the assumptions and parameters used. There is always a need for some simplifying assumptions, but models that are too simple may be less accurate. Interpretation and critique of mathematical models of pandemic policies require advanced interdisciplinary knowledge, including mathematics, statistics, medicine, behavioral science, and economics (29). Modeling that lacks interdisciplinary expertise may be less robust. |
Social and psychological studies | |||
Surveys of masking behavior | People’s self-reported masking behavior | Relatively easy and quick to administer; can gain large sample sizes (e.g., using online methods) | Subject to recall bias and participant bias (people who feel strongly about masks either negatively or positively may be more likely to respond). Other predictor variables are also self-reported, so may not be reliable. Low-literacy and marginalized individuals may be underrepresented. |
Observational studies of masking behavior | Direct observation of whether people are masking (e.g., in a public place) | Relatively easy to undertake as a one-shot survey; may use video data (e.g., as people pass by) (30, 31). | Cross sectional studies represent a snapshot in time, so cannot capture dynamic changes in behavior. |
Surveys of attitudes and intentions | People’s stated reasons for masking or not | Relatively easy and quick to administer; can gain large sample sizes (e.g., using online methods) | Responses may not reflect attitudes or reasons (due to, e.g., social desirability bias). Sampling biases and low response rates reduce validity of findings (non-responders differ from responders). Low-literacy and marginalized individuals may be underrepresented. |
Communication studies | Identifying how mask-wearing advice can be communicated and incentivized to communities | Draws on multiple (qualitative and quantitative) methods. Can generate mechanistic understanding | Communications research on majority groups may not be directly transferable to minority or marginalized groups. |
Policy analyses | Qualitative analyses of how policy is made and what good policy is, including what is morally right and politically feasible | Can help identify the root causes of a problem, clarify the goals of a proposed policy and assess its potential effectiveness | Depends on high-quality data on the options and their outcomes; may be impossible if such knowledge is lacking. May produce an overly sanitized and technical view of policy. |
Sociomaterial analyses | Qualitative studies of the symbolic meaning of masks in different cultural and social settings | Combines multiple methods to examine why some groups feel strongly (positively or negatively) about masks; takes into account social, cultural, historical, and political contexts of attitudes and practices | Requires advanced training in sociological theories and methods; often limited to specific sampled groups, hence are not usually generalizable to the broader population |
Social media studies | Quantitative and qualitative analyses of how (mis)information spreads on social media | Combines multiple methods to track the spread of (mis)information on particular platforms and the sentiments demonstrated in these media | May require advanced technical skill, such as machine learning, and computing power; qualitative studies require advanced training in interpretation and analysis |
Health economic studies | Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of interventions | Estimates the direct (and some indirect) financial costs and benefits of a particular approach to masking; cost-effectiveness analysis requires a common unit of outcome measurement such as quality-adjusted life years gained or lost; can use a government payer or societal perspective | May have limited external validity since costs are locality or country specific, and change over time; subject to the same limitations of modeling studies, such as quality of data and model assumptions. Studies that consider only the government payer perspective or only the acute infectious episode underestimate true societal costs. Metrics such as quality-adjusted life years are difficult to operationalize in children. |
Evidence syntheses | |||
Systematic review | Review undertaken according to explicit and reproducible criteria | If undertaken well, tends to identify all or most relevant studies and produces accurate assessment of key biases and contributions of included primary studies; prospective registration (e.g., on the international prospective register of systematic reviews [PROSPERO]) increases transparency | Data extraction and evaluation of primary evidence depend on reviewers’ judgments, especially if multiple reviewers share flawed assumptions and biases, can lead to spurious findings that are given undue credibility because of the “systematic” kitemark. Inappropriate application of rigid evidence hierarchies may lead to systematic biases (e.g., omission of all non-RCT evidence) (22). |
Meta-analyses (some limited to RCTs, some focusing on or including observational evidence) | Testing various hypotheses, depending on primary studies | Combining findings from primary studies may increase power of estimates; relatively low cost; prospective registration increases transparency. | A meta-analysis is only as robust as the primary studies on which it is based and the methodology used. If primary studies are few and poor quality, or if different methods and outcomes are combined inappropriately, conclusions will be unreliable. When a specific bias mechanism is common in primary studies, pooled estimates of effect will reproduce and magnify this bias. If interventions or outcomes that are dissimilar are combined for meta-analysis, results may not be informative or valid. Reviewers lacking key content expertise may miss, misunderstand, or misinterpret key data or concepts. |
Narrative reviews | Broad-ranging syntheses drawing on multiple sources of evidence | Goal is typically to draw together and make sense of a complex literature; can combine mechanistic and probabilistic evidence | Traditionally criticized for being non-systematic, though high-quality narrative reviews have a systematic and rigorous methodology, with a focus on interpretation (17). |
Environmental impact reviews | Narrative reviews which summarize epidemiological, chemical, engineering, and toxicological evidence | Combines multiple methods to produce depth and detail on the specific issue of environmental impact | Requires multiple sources of high-quality evidence; such data may not be available or may be suboptimal |
Historical studies | Narrative reviews drawing on data from past outbreaks | Provides rich case studies of historical events and how they unfolded over time | Can be hard to confirm whether interventions were informed by field-specific expertise; data sources may be incomplete; transferability to present-day outbreaks may be questioned |
Transmission of respiratory infections
Type of study | Goal | Examples of key findings |
Laboratory studies of aerosol dynamics | Developing and testing hypotheses about the physical behavior of aerosols | Data on, for example, rate of evaporation in particles of different size (66) |
Laboratory studies of aerosol measurement systems | Developing and testing hypotheses about how aerosols may be captured and quantified | Specific techniques for generating and measuring aerosols in the laboratory (67–69) |
Laboratory studies of pathogen behavior within aerosols | Developing and testing hypotheses about how the evolving aerosol environment affects pathogens | Insights into how an airborne pathogens’ viability changes over time and in different ambient conditions (70) |
Laboratory and animal studies of aerosol-generating processes | Developing and testing hypotheses about generation of aerosols by host organisms | Demonstration that many regular activities such as breathing, speaking, and singing generate similar levels of aerosol to conventional AGMPs (71, 72) |
Laboratory studies of fluid dynamics and airflow | Developing and testing hypotheses about the airflow that transports infectious aerosols | Efficacy of different approaches to ventilation, comparing turbulent vs laminar flow, toilet plumes, cough plumes (73, 74) |
Laboratory studies of how materials interact with suspended particles | Developing and testing hypotheses about how particles are captured on surfaces | Insights into processes of, for example, filtration, deposition, adsorption, absorption, and electrostatics (75–77) |
Laboratory studies of how pathogens interact with materials | Developing and testing hypotheses about how materials affect pathogens | Insights into, for example, killing, persistence, permanent capture, and retention vs later release of pathogens (78) |
Laboratory studies of respiratory dynamics | Developing and testing hypotheses about how air flows within the respiratory tract | Insights into how alveoli behave in inflation vs deflation (79) |
Laboratory studies of respiratory aerosol deposition | Developing and testing hypotheses about how aerosols move within the respiratory tract | Demonstration that particles above 5–20 µm do not reach the alveoli (33, 80) |
Laboratory contribution to studies of PPE effectiveness | Testing how PPE protection performs under “real-world” conditions and how well PPE blocks aerosols | Data on comfort and compliance; durability quantitative performance assessment via, for example, fit factor, workplace protection factor, and assigned protection factor (81); aerosol-blocking ability of different PPEs (82) |
What are masks and how do they work?
Standards and certification
Methodological challenges in trials and meta-analyses of masks
Nature of the outcome
Seasonal and year-on-year variation
Variable primary outcomes
Combining dissimilar interventions
Combining different settings
Combining heterogeneous outcomes
A new meta-analysis: justification of approach
Reanalysis of RCTs of masks in community settings
Author, year | Design, methods | Population, intervention, comparison | Outcomes | Results | Comments, limitations |
Cowling et al., 2008 (153) | Cluster RCT (by household) in Hong Kong | Households where one member had ILI were randomized to three arms: medical masks, hand hygiene, and control (n = 350); masking by index case and household contacts | Self-reported influenza symptoms, laboratory-confirmed influenza (by culture or RT-PCR) in household; nose and throat swabs taken from each household contact, except for asymptomatic children under the age of 2, at baseline and days 3 and 6 | Rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza (OR 1.16, 95% CI 0.31–4.34) and ILI (OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.34–2.27) were not significantly different in masks vs control arm. | Pilot study which informed Cowling et al. (2009), underpowered, compliance 45% in index cases and 21% in household contacts; compliance data showed that some index cases in control and hand hygiene arms used medical masks |
Cowling et al., 2009 (145) | Cluster RCT (by household) in Hong Kong | Households where one member had ILI were randomized to three arms: medical masks plus hand hygiene, hand hygiene, and control (education). Both index cases and household contacts used masks (n = 794); masking by index case and household contacts. | Self-reported influenza symptoms, laboratory-confirmed influenza (by RT-PCR) in household; all household members tested with throat swab regardless of symptoms at baseline, days 3 and 6 | Rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza not significantly different in three arms. Significant difference if masks + hand hygiene within 36 hours of illness onset (OR 0.33 and 95% CI 0.13–0.87). Hand hygiene alone was not significant. | No separate medical mask arm, making it difficult to estimate efficacy of masks alone; pragmatic trial design, as hand hygiene should accompany mask use; compliance 49% in index cases and 26% in household contacts. Compliance data showed that some index cases in the control and hand hygiene arms used medical masks |
MacIntyre et al., 2009 (144) | Cluster RCT (by household) from 2006 to 2007 in Sydney, Australia | Households where a child had ILI were randomized to three arms: medical masks, P2 respirators (equivalent to N95), and control (n = 286); masking (medical masks and P2 respirators) by household contacts. | Self-reported ILI, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection by multiplex respiratory PCR; index case and contacts tested at baseline. Household contacts tested if symptoms developed over 2 weeks of daily follow up. | In the intention-to-treat analysis, no significant difference in any outcome; adherent use of respirators or medical masks significantly reduced risk of ILI (HR 0.26, 95% CI 0.09–0.77). | Low compliance: 21% of household contacts wore masks often/always. Adherence with mask wearing was low and unsustained (25%–30% by day 5). |
Aiello et al., 2010 (150) | Cluster RCT of college students (by university residence house) in Ann Arbor, USA, during 2006–2007 influenza season | Three arms: medical masks, medical masks + hand hygiene, control (n = 1297). Intervention arms started after lab confirmation of influenza infection on the university campus. On the basis of the size and demographic similarity of residential halls, seven halls were included as intervention or control units. No index cases or contacts were specified for mask intervention. | Self-reported ILI, laboratory-confirmed influenza (by culture or RT-PCR). Study nurses collected throat specimens from students with ILI for laboratory examinations. | Intention-to-treat analysis found no significant difference in ILI in the three arms. Significant reduction in ILI in the medical masks plus hand hygiene arm in weeks 4–6 (P < 0.05) | Not all ILI cases (n = 368) were laboratory tested (n = 94); no data on compliance. Week 4–6 data reflects a period of higher influenza circulation. |
aLarson et al (154) | Block-randomized household RCT in Manhattan, USA | Three arms: HE, HE + hand sanitizer, HE + hand sanitizer + medical masks (n = 2,788) Households where an ILI occurred in any household members, inclusive of ill person and caretaker (if the index case was a child younger than 18 years of age). Masking after the household contact or caretaker was within 3 ft of a person with an ILI for 7 days or until symptoms disappeared. The ill person was also advised to wear a mask within 3 ft of other household members, if possible. | Self-reported ILI, self-reported upper respiratory infection (URI), laboratory-confirmed influenza (by culture or PCR). Project staff made a home visit within 24–48 hours to the household of a reported ILI case to collect a sample for laboratory testing for influenza. | No significant difference in rates of URI, ILI, or laboratory-confirmed influenza between the three arms; significantly lower secondary attack rates of URI/ILI/influenza in HE + hand sanitizer + medical mask arm (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.70–0.97). | No separate medical mask arm, making it difficult to evaluate efficacy of masks alone; pragmatic trial design, as hand hygiene should accompany mask use. Low compliance and around half of households in the masks arm used masks within 48 hours. Unlike other trials, there was no index case at home, so exposure was less likely, resulting in lower statistical power. |
Simmerman et al., 2011 (155)a | Cluster RCT (by household) in Bangkok, Thailand, from 2008 to 2009. Index case was a child with influenza, and subjects were their household members. | Households where a child had ILI were randomized to three arms: hand hygiene, hand hygiene + medical masks, control (n = 885); masking by index case and household contacts | Self-reported ILI, laboratory confirmed influenza (by PCR or serology) in family members. Index cases in the outpatient department were identified by a nasal swab rapid test. If the test was positive, one additional nasal swab and one throat swab were collected from the index case. During home visits, one nasal swab and one throat swab were collected from the index case and from all household contacts. For serology, blood samples were collected on days 1 and 21. | No significant difference in secondary influenza infection rates in hand hygiene arm (OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.76–1.88) and hand hygiene plus medial masks arm (OR1.16, 95% CI 0.74–1.82). | No separate medical mask arm, making it difficult to evaluate efficacy of masks alone; pragmatic trial design, as hand hygiene should accompany mask use. The influenza A (H1N1) pandemic occurred during the study, resulting in mask use substantially increasing among the index cases (4%–52%) and families (17.6%–67.7%) in control arm. |
Aiello et al., 2012 (151) | Cluster RCT of college students (by university residence house) in Michigan, USA, during the 2007–2008 influenza season | Three arms: medical masks, medical masks + hand hygiene, control (n = 1,111). Masking in the intervention arms started, following laboratory confirmation of influenza on campus. All residents used the intervention. | Clinically diagnosed and laboratory confirmed influenza (by RT-PCR) College students responded to questions on ILI symptoms via weekly surveys. Throat swabs were collected from students who reported ILI, and the swabs were tested for influenza. | No overall difference in ILI and laboratory-confirmed influenza in three arms. A significant reduction was observed in ILL in medical masks + hand hygiene arm in weeks 3–6 (P < 0.05). Masks alone were not protective. | Compliance was good. Masks were worn for approximately 5 hours/day. ILI was self-reported. Authors concluded that effect in masks + hand hygiene arm may have been due to hand hygiene, as medical masks alone were not significant. |
Suess et al., 2012 (156) | Cluster RCT (by household) in Berlin, Germany, during 2009/2010 pandemic influenza season and 2010/2011 influenza season | Household members of influenza-positive cases were randomized to three arms: medical masks, medical masks + hand hygiene, control (n = 218). Participants in both mask arms were asked to wear masks at all times when the index patient was in the room. Masking by index case and household contacts | Laboratory-confirmed influenza infection and ILI. Nasal wash, using isotonic saline into one nostril of the participants, was conducted. Nasal swabs were collected by using virus transport swabs. Specimens were analyzed by RT-PCR. | Intention-to-treat analysis showed no significant difference in rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza and ILI in all arms. Risk of influenza was significantly lower if data from two intervention arms (masks and masks plus hand hygiene) were pooled and intervention was applied within 36 hours of onset of symptoms (OR 0.16 and 95% CI 0.03–0.92). | Compliance with masks was low (approximately 50% of the participants wore masks “mostly” or “always”). Monetary benefits provided. Only household contacts used a mask (index case did not mask). The short incubation period of influenza (2–3 days) means applying an intervention after a household member has influenza may not have efficacy. |
Alfelali et al., 2020 (152) | Cluster RCT (by pilgrim tent) over three consecutive Hajj seasons (2013, 2014, and 2015) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia | Two arms: masks, no masks (n = 6,388); masking randomized by tents that accommodated up to 150 pilgrims for up to 5 days during Hajj in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Pilgrims were supplied with masks (per protocol: to be worn for 24 hours daily for 4 days during Hajj, if possible). | Laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections and clinical respiratory infections. Study tents were visited twice daily. Nasal swabs were obtained from those who had flu-like symptoms. Respiratory viruses were detected using a real-time PCR test. For the analysis, pilgrims who used at least one facemask daily during Hajj were considered to have masked that day. | In both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses, masks were not effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections or clinical respiratory infection | Compliance was low in both arms - overall (24.7% participants used masks daily, while 47.7% used masks intermittently). Moreover, in control arms a few participants also used masks daily (14.3%) or intermittently (34.9%). |
Bundgaard et al., 2021 (140) | RCT in Denmark, from April to May 2020 | Two arms: recommendation to wear masks when outside the home, no recommendation (n = 4,862) Community-based study, no prerequisite for exposure to infection Conducted in a low-incidence period of COVID-19 (3 April–2 June 2020) when Danish authorities did not recommend mask use in the community | SARS-CoV-2 infection by antibody testing, PCR, or hospital diagnosis; PCR positivity for other respiratory viruses. Participants received materials and instructions for antibody testing and for collecting an oropharyngeal/nasal swab sample for PCR testing at 1 month and whenever they had COVID-19 like symptoms. Participants registered symptoms and results of tests in the online REDCap system. | No significant difference in any outcome | Primary outcome includes both PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 infection and antibody-positive SARS-CoV-2 (IgM or IgG). Sample size powered to detect a 50% reduction of infection, so was underpowered to detect smaller differences. Fewer than 50% used masks as recommended. Study funded by Salling Foundation, with Salling being the largest retailer in Denmark. Antibody testing was done by participants themselves. No ethics approval was sought. |
Abaluck et al., 2022 (27) | Cluster RCT (by village), in rural Bangladesh from November 2020 to April 2021 | Three arms: surgical masks, cloth masks, and no masks (n = 336,010). Household members in the intervention villages were asked to use masks (surgical masks and cloth masks) when they are outside and around other people, during the study period, which was a COVID-19 pandemic period. Community-based study, no prerequisite for exposure to infection. | Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and symptoms consistent with COVID-19 illness. Participants reported COVID-19 like symptoms that were experienced by any household member in the previous week and previous month. Blood samples from participants with COVID-19-like symptoms were collected and tested for IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. | Mask use was efficacious in reducing COVID symptoms and symptomatic seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2; benefits were greater in older people (35% reduction in symptomatic seroprevalence). Effect size 30%–80% larger for surgical masks compared to cloth masks | Large, community-wide study; geographically contiguous villages used as intervention vs control to reduce bias caused by different rates of transmission by location. Only serologically positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 were included. Surgical masks were reused, and cloth masks could be washed and reused. Mask wearing increased from 13% to 43% in intervention villages; results reflect protective effects despite low compliance. Social distancing was unchanged by interventions. Only symptomatic people tested, so infection rate underestimated and may have biased results toward the null. |
Reanalysis of RCTs of masks and respirators in health-care settings
Author, year | Design and methods | Population, intervention, and comparison | Outcomes | Results | Comments and limitations |
Loeb et al., 2009 (25) | Non-inferiority RCT conducted in eight tertiary care hospitals in Ontario, Canada, from 2008 to 2009 | Nurses: targeted use (selected circumstances such as conducting an aerosol-generating medical procedure) of fit-tested N95 respirators compared to medical masks (n = 422) | Laboratory-confirmed influenza infection by PCR or seroconversion (fourfold rise in hemagglutinin titers) Participants were assessed for flu-like symptoms twice weekly. If a symptom was reported, the study nurse was notified, and a nasal specimen was collected. | No significant difference in outcomes. Influenza cases in medical masks arm 23.6% vs 22.9% in respirator arm (absolute risk difference −0.73%; 95% CI −8.8%-7.3%). | No control arm, hence lack of difference between arms could indicate equal efficacy or equal inefficacy. Nurses who could not pass a fit test were excluded. No data on compliance. Trial was terminated early due to influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, as respirator use became mandatory. Trial was “non-inferiority”, but there was no gold standard of efficacy prior to this for comparison, because the superiority of any tested intervention was not previously demonstrated in any RCT (and could not be demonstrated in this RCT without a control arm). |
MacIntyre et al., 2011 (115) | Cluster RCT in 15 hospitals in Beijing, China, from 2008 to 2009. | Three arms: medical mask, fit-tested N95 respirator, and non-fit tested N95 respirator. All interventions were used continuously. A convenience control group was also included (n = 1,441) | Self-reported CRI, self-reported ILI, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infection including influenza, by multiplex respiratory PCR Trained nurses and doctors collected two pharyngeal swabs from participants with ILI or CRI. Pharyngeal swabs tested by PCR for respiratory viruses | In intention-to-treat analysis, rate of CRI was significantly lower in non-fit-tested N95 respirators compared to medical masks (OR 0.48 (0.24–0.98). The medical mask and fit-tested N95 arms were non-significant. Both N95 arms combined were significantly protective. | Self-reported compliance 68-86%. Lack of power for PCR-confirmed influenza. The convenience control group was selected from hospitals which do not routinely use masks, as the ethics committee deemed it unethical to allocate subjects to no mask. The study often cited on the need for fit testing, but the low fit test failure rate in this study is specific to the N95 used in the study, and cannot be generalized to other N95s. |
MacIntyre et al., 2013 (147) | Cluster RCT in 68 wards (19 hospitals) in Beijing, China, from 2010 to 2011 | Three arms: continuous use of N95 respirators, targeted use of N95 respirators for high-risk situations, continuous use of medical masks (n = 1,669) | Self-reported CRI, self-reported ILI, laboratory-confirmed viral infection, including influenza by multiplex respiratory PCR Swabs of tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall collected from participant(s) who had ILI or CRI symptoms. Swabs tested by PCR for respiratory viruses | Rates of CRI (HRa 0.39, 95% CI 0.21–0.71) and bacterial colonization (HR 0.40, 95% CI 0.21–0.73) were significantly lower in continuous use of N95 respirator arm. | Self-reported compliance 57%–82%. Lack of power for PCR-confirmed influenza. Results consistent with references (25) and (146), showing equal inefficacy of masks and targeted (i.e., non-continuous) N95, but adds to the evidence base because the latter two trials did not have a control or other arm for comparison. |
MacIntyre et al., 2015 (160) | Cluster RCT in 14 secondary- and tertiary-level hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2011 | Three arms: medical masks, cloth masks, and no-mask control (n = 1,607) | CRI, ILI, and laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infection, including influenza, by multiplex respiratory PCR. Swabs from tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall taken from participants who had CRI or ILI symptoms. Swabs tested by RT-PCR for respiratory viruses. | In Intention-to-treat analysis, ILI rate significantly higher in cloth mask arm (RR 13.00, 95% CI 1.69–100.07) vs medical mask arm. Post-hoc analysis by actual mask use showed significantly higher ILI rates (RR = 6.64, 95% CI 1.45–28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR = 1.72, 95% CI 1.01–2.94) in those using cloth masks vs medical masks. | Mask use was high in the control group, so a post hoc analysis was done comparing all participants who used only a medical mask (from the control arm and the medical masks arm) with all participants who used only a cloth mask (from the control arm and the cloth masks arm). Self-reported compliance with mask use and hand hygiene was reported. There was a lack of influenza circulation during the study period. A subsequent study using data collected from this trial showed that poor washing of the cloth masks contributed to poor outcomes and that, if machine washed, they performed equally to a medical mask (164). |
Radonovich et al., 2019 (146) | Cluster RCT at 137 outpatient sites at 7 US medical centers from 2011 to 2015 | Two arms: targeted use of medical masks and targeted use of N95s (n = 5,180) | Laboratory-confirmed influenza (PCR or serology), acute respiratory illness, laboratory-detected respiratory infection, ILI Swabs of the anterior nares and oropharynx were obtained from participants. who reported respiratory symptoms. During each 12-week intervention period, two random swabs were obtained from all participants, typically while asymptomatic. Swabs were tested for influenza A or B using PCR. Serum samples obtained each year from all participants for influenza hemagglutinin levels before and after peak viral respiratory season | No significant difference in any outcome between medical masks and targeted N95 | Outpatient study with no control arm. Intervention comprised wearing the mask or respirator when within 6 ft (1.83 m) of patients with suspected or confirmed respiratory infection. Approximately 65% of participants in respirator and mask arms reported wearing their device “always.” A post hoc analysis found that the presence of preschool-aged children in the home was associated with a higher risk of respiratory infections among participating health-care workers (165). |
Loeb et al., 2022 (24) | Non-inferiority RCT in 29 health-care facilities in Canada, Israel, Pakistan, and Egypt (n = 1,004) | Two arms: medical masks, fit-tested N95 respirators | SARS-CoV-2 tested by reverse transcriptase PCR. Nasopharyngeal swabs were obtained from symptomatic participants. Blood tests at baseline and end of follow-up for IgG antibodies. Other outcomes: acute respiratory illness, lower respiratory infection or pneumonia, and work-related absence. Participants were assessed for COVID-19-like symptoms twice weekly. | In the intention-to-treat analysis, there was no difference in RT-PCR–confirmed SARS-COV-2 in the medical mask arm compared to the N95 respirator arm (HR 1.14,95% CI 0.77 to 1.69). Other outcomes were also non-significant. Combined data from Canada and Israel reported lower rates of COVID-19 in N95 arm, compared to medical mask arm (4.6% vs 9.5%), but difference was not statistically significant. Corresponding rates of COVID-19 in combined data of Pakistan and Egypt were 11.3% and 10.9%. | Prespecified analyses (which do not support the published conclusion of non-inferiority) were omitted (166). Non-inferiority was redefined during the Omicron wave, after 95% of the study period was complete, to accept a hazard ratio of up to 2 (approximately doubling the prespecified margin) as constituting clinically important inferiority in the medical mask arm. This means anything up to a 99% increase in relative risk associated with a medical mask was considered unimportant. The study’s sample size (1,004) was too low to identify clinically important differences in risk and likely to generate a null result. Over 4,200 participants would have been necessary to identify a hazard ratio of 1.5 with 90% power and a one-sided alpha of 0.025 (164). Rolling recruitment with addition of Pakistan and Egypt almost a year later (not included in initial trial registration) and during the Omicron period, compared to Canada and Israel (pre-Omicron). Most trial outcomes were from the Egypt site. Trial registration specifies N95 was intermittent (targeted) use, but authors later stated it was continuous. Therefore, intervention fidelity and consistency is unclear. Substantial changes to protocol were made on multiple occasions as the study unfolded. Other criticisms have been summarized in a preprint (166). |
Observational studies
Modeling masking
Introduction and general adverse effects
Discomfort and local irritation
Effects during exercise
Speculated but unconfirmed harms in anti-mask discourse
Adverse effects of masks in people in particular risk groups
Adults with medical conditions
Condition | Possible adverse impact of masking and relevant studies | Suggested mitigation |
Allergic rhinitis | Mask-induced worsening of rhinorrhea (269), though masks may also reduce exposure to environmental allergens (e.g., pollen) (270) | Experiment with different designs and situations. Exemption may be needed when mandates are in place. |
Alzheimer’s disease | Impossible to achieve consistent fit and adherence [people with severe Alzheimer’s did not wear masks properly or at all during pandemic peaks (271, 272)] | Focus on other preventive measures, including indoor air quality, reduced mixing, and masking of staff and visitors |
Chronic lung disease | Subjective difficulty in breathing because of increased breathing resistance, especially during exercise (234); in severe lung disease, theoretical (but not empirically demonstrated) risk of compromised gas exchange. | People with mild and well-controlled asthma can usually mask normally; those with more severe respiratory conditions should be assessed individually. If necessary, avoid indoor crowded situations. Low-breathing resistance respirators may be better tolerated. Exemption may be needed. |
End-stage kidney disease | Decrease in oxygenation and increased respiratory effort, of uncertain clinical significance (based on a single small study conducted during the 2003 SARS-1 outbreak) (273) | Assess individually, taking account that such people may be vulnerable to severe complications if infected. Avoid indoor crowded situations. |
Epilepsy | Risk of hyperventilation, which could theoretically trigger a seizure (based mainly on expert opinion) (274, 275). | Avoid indoor crowded situations. Mask should be removed from anyone having a seizure. Exemption may be needed. |
Facial conditions | Facial trauma or surgery and painful conditions of the face (e.g., trigeminal neuralgia) may make masking difficult or painful [no empirical studies but often mentioned in guidance (233)]. | Assess individually; exemption may be needed. |
Heart failure | Possible deterioration of cardiopulmonary function during exercise (276) | Test to see if mask is tolerated during indoor exercise. If symptomatic in such situations, exercise outdoors. |
Laryngeal or tracheal surgery | People with laryngectomy or tracheotomy are at greatly increased risk of respiratory infections, and some are immunocompromised (e.g., during cancer treatment) (277). | Mask should be worn over the tracheotomy. |
Mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety, autism, depression, and claustrophobia) | Worsening of anxiety, panic, and sense of suffocation (278–280). People who have experienced trauma may feel profound distress while masking (281). | Experiment with different designs (an elastomeric respirator with high breathability may be less symptom inducing). Take frequent breaks. Grounding techniques can be helpful for trauma-related anxiety. Exemption may be needed. |
Pregnancy-related conditions | Pregnancy is a high-risk state for complications of COVID-19 (including miscarriage); empirical evidence on masking in pregnancy is limited (240). A single-challenge study in 20 pregnant health-care workers showed changes in some physiological variables (e.g., tidal volume) with respirator materials (282). That study had major design flaws (e.g., breathing was not through an actual respirator but through a tiny segment of N95 filter material cut from a respirator). | While definitive evidence is lacking, masking during strenuous exercise or demanding physical work when pregnant is not advised. In other situations, advantages of masking while pregnant appear to outweigh disadvantages. |
Masks and communication
Why people mask and why they don’t
Communicating information and managing misinformation about masks
Different types of mask policies
Mask policies for targeted personal protection
Mask policies for specific settings
Mask policies for seasonal respiratory infections
Mask policies for pandemics
Developing and implementing mask policies
Stage | Details |
Stage 1: assess the risk posed by the pathogen | Consider: • Epidemiological pattern: notably endemic, seasonal, or pandemic. • Transmission dynamics: including the proportion of transmission that occurs by the airborne route and the extent of asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission (40). • Probability of exposure: both generally and in specific settings (330). • Consequences of exposure: which depends on infectivity and pathogenicity of the agent, fatality risk, morbidity risk including long-term health effects and impact of repeated exposure, and wider effects on health-care system and societal functioning (339). • Unequal distribution of risk: with heightened vulnerability for particular demographic or clinical risk groups (340). • The precautionary principle (i.e., the need to take account of risks that are not fully known) (see text) (341). |
Stage 2: develop the risk management policy | Consider: • Goal: usually disease control (mitigation or suppression), but may be elimination in specific situations (see text). • Proportionality: mask policies are justified if the risk assessment (see stage 1) shows that the infection is likely to have significant negative impact in terms of mortality, morbidity, hospitalization, long-term illness and disability, and health systems (e.g., overwhelming services), social (e.g., loss of schooling), and economic (e.g., lost productivity) consequences (342, 343), and there is evidence that masking is likely to be effective in this outbreak. • Scope of policy: identify what kind of mask policy (see Different Types of Mask Policies) is justified in the circumstances. Combining protection for the wearer with source control is likely to provide the best levels of protection (see What Are Masks and How Do They Work?). Policy design should include consideration of both individual-level efficacy (high-filtration masks, correctly worn) and population coverage (how widely masks are being worn and by whom). • Costs and cost-effectiveness: Ideally, mask policies should include economic analysis to compare the costs of mask use (including supply, communication, support for use, and monitoring and enforcement) and consequences compared to other alternatives that could achieve similar levels of disease control (though this consideration is less relevant for elimination strategies) (344, 345). • Potential adverse effects and unintended consequences: adverse effects include harm to specific groups (e.g., D/deaf people unable to communicate; see Social and Political Aspects of Masking). Some individuals may be unable to tolerate masks; hence, exemption policies are needed. Unintended consequences include resistance and even civil disobedience (300), which may make the policy difficult or impossible to enforce except in highly controlled environments such as health-care settings or airports. |
Stage 3: implement and monitor the policy | Consider: • • Mandates, potentially with legal support: requiring individuals to wear a mask over their mouth and nose may be ethically and legally justified to protect the wearer and those around them in high-risk occupational settings such as hospitals and when exposed to harmful substances. For epidemic and pandemic situations, mask policies need to be based in law, for a formally declared public health emergency, with the aim of limiting spread (343, 350). • Mechanisms to encourage adherence and act on non-compliance: Provide clear and proportionate sanctions for non-compliance (e.g., workplace sanctions for employees, registration requirements for health-care providers, exclusion of un-masked visitors from specified settings, and legal enforcement for mask wearing in defined public places) (343, 350). Criminalization and other punitive measures are a last resort because of potential harms such as undermining trust and disadvantaging marginalized populations (351); • Measures to support mask use: provide clear and consistent information and education about when, where, and how to use masks (352), and emphasize benefit to others as well as self. Role-modeling from political and public health agency leaders is a crucial contributor to encourage mask wearing, as are government social marketing campaigns. These measures not only promote mask wearing but also maintain the social license for masking recommendations and mandates (301). Combine top-down and bottom-up measures (353). Ensure a range of effective masks and respirators are available in different sizes, shapes, and designs. Making these highly accessible and minimizing cost by direct provision or subsidies are likely to support their uptake, particularly for disproportionately affected communities (354). • Measures to minimize inequities: ensuring equity across demographic, socioeconomic and ethnic groups will require developing active partnerships with diverse populations and communities, particularly those who are underserved and disproportionally affected by respiratory infections, and providing resources and support as needed (354); • Resources and mechanisms to monitor the policy: including sustaining the response, adjusting it as knowledge and circumstances change (including building in regular policy review mechanisms which incorporate ongoing evidence updates from research, surveillance, and evaluation), and deciding when to discontinue it. |
The scale of environmental harm
Mitigating environmental harm from single-use masks and respirators: what can be done?
Increase public awareness
Improve mask waste management
Recycle mask waste
Promote reuse and extended use
Normalize elastomeric respirators
Develop biodegradable and reusable masks
Formulate relevant policies and regulations
Toward better masks
Author Bios
Information & Contributors
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Data Availability
Ethics Approval
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