The soil microbial community is responsible for most nutrient transformations in soil, regenerating minerals that limit plant productivity. Fungi and bacteria are the two groups that dominate the microbial decomposer community, and, crudely defined, they share the function of decomposing organic matter in soil, indicating that there is a strong potential for interaction. There are potentially important differences between their properties, however, such as biomass elemental composition (
21), nutrient demand (
65), turnover rate (
54), metal tolerance (
52), temperature dependence (
51), and food web linkage (
46). Consequently, anthropogenic impacts, such as changes in nutrient input, climate change, and soil management, have the potential to directly or indirectly affect the bacterial and fungal composition, with consequent impacts on soil function.
Efforts to distinguish between these two components of the microbial community have almost exclusively used biomass-based techniques, e.g., microscopy and biochemical markers, including phospholipids fatty acids (PLFAs) (
66) and glucose amines (
5), as well as DNA-based molecular techniques (
44). However, biomass-based measurements are only indirectly related to process contribution, and estimating process contribution from biomass requires knowledge of its status (ranging from dormant to highly active), which often is difficult to differentiate. Attempts have been made to relate gross activity (respiration) to the biomass composition of fungi and bacteria (
36). This causal connection is weak due to decoupling by variable growth efficiency (
61), i.e., variation in the proportion of substrate C used for biomass production compared with the amount expended for energy in respiration, which may result in a lack of correlation of basal respiration with direct estimates of fungal and bacterial growth (
One of the most influential factors affecting the microbial community in soil is pH. pH strongly influences abiotic factors, such as carbon availability (
42), nutrient availability (
42), and the solubility of metals (
25). In addition, soil pH may control biotic factors, such as the biomass composition of fungi and bacteria (
23), in both forest (
28) and agricultural (
15) soils. An inherent problem in studying soil pH effects is its varied influence on multiple parameters. Experimentally manipulating the pH of a soil may result in changes in several factors that are hard to separate. Conversely, comparing pHs of different natural soils introduces confounding factors, frequently unidentifiable, derived from differences in soil type and management regimen that also vary between soils.
There appeared to be two separate effects acting on the microbial community along the pH gradient of the Hoosfield acid strip. This was most clearly seen in the fungal growth data, which showed that the peak growth rates were at pHs of about pH 4.5 (Fig.
2A). The narrow pH range between pH 4.0 and 4.5 induced dramatic decreases in the growth rate and biomass, and all of the microbial variables correlated well, suggesting that there is a threshold. Since in forest soils with pHs below 4 the fungal growth rates are higher than those in soils with higher pHs (
50) and high biomass concentrations and respiration rates are maintained at pHs even below pH 4 (
17), it is likely that it was not the pH per se that was the cause of the decreases in all variables below pH 4.5. Results of previous studies of the same pH gradient suggest two mechanisms for the general decreases in microbial parameters below pH 4.5: (i) below pH 5 a pronounced increase in the available aluminum (an increase from virtually zero above pH 5 to 600 mg Al kg
−1 soil at pH 4 has been observed [
2]), and (ii) crop growth, which decreases to virtually zero below pH 4.5 (Aciego-Pietri, unpublished Ph.D. thesis), decreasing the availability of easily available root-derived C as a substrate input. The lack of plant-derived C is corroborated by the decrease in the organic C level below pH 4.5 (Fig.
1B). Further work is required to rank the relative importance of these factors, but it is possible that the decline in crop yield was related to the high availability of Al and its toxicity, so that plant-derived C and Al toxicity to the microbial community are confounded. However, Aciego Pietri (unpublished Ph.D. thesis) monitored the development of microbial communities in soil samples from the same pH gradient in laboratory incubations following the addition of wheat straw as a substrate. The increase in cumulative respiration and biomass accumulation following substrate addition to soils below pH 4.5 did not differ markedly from the results for soil samples above pH 4.5, indicating that aluminum toxicity was not the limiting factor for the microbial communities in this soil. Irrespective of the mechanism, it is clear that the general inhibitory effects below pH 4.5 in the Hoosfield acid strip are very different from the pH effects above pH 4.5. For this reason, the analyses of the results (Fig.
1 to
6) and the remainder of the discussion concerning the influence of pH on microbial parameters focus exclusively on the pH range above pH 4.5.
The largest effect of pHs above pH 4.5 was on fungal and bacterial growth, and there were opposing pH effects. This resulted in a 30-fold increase in the relative importance of fungi (Fig.
3B), as indicated by the growth ratio; the highest ratio was at about pH 4.5. The influence of pH on bacterial growth has been investigated previously. Bååth and Arnebrant (
13) reported that treatment of forest soils with lime and ash, which resulted in pH changes from about pH 4 to 7, increased bacterial growth about fivefold, as measured by TdR incorporation. Similarly, a study that included 19 different soils from areas with various land uses, spanning a pH range from 4 to 8, showed that there was an increase in bacterial growth with higher pHs as measured by Leu incorporation (
10). Bacterial growth increased fourfold between pH 4 and pH 8.
There have been few joint determinations of both fungal and bacterial growth. Previous approaches to investigate the influence of soil pH on fungal and bacterial growth in soils either used soils with a much more restricted pH range (pH 3.6 to 4.1) in forest humus (
50) or studied the acute effects of artificially increasing the pH on bacterial and fungal growth (
6). However, in both cases increased bacterial growth and decreased fungal growth were found at higher pH. Thus, the general pattern reported previously is clearly corroborated by our results, suggesting increasing fungal dominance of decomposition, as indicated by the growth ratio, at lower soil pHs.
Respiration, a measurement of the total activity of the soil microbial community, was not as strongly affected by pHs between 4.5 and 8.3 as the microbial growth rates were (Fig.
6). A small effect on total activity during such a massive shift within the microbial community has been noted previously during decomposition of added plant material to soil (
53) and in an experiment where the bacterial contribution to decomposition was completely inhibited with specific antibiotics (
53). The small change in total activity during the shift between the contributions of fungi and bacteria to the process could indicate the complementarity of the two major decomposer groups involved in soil C mineralization, suggesting that they are, in effect, at least partially functionally redundant. It should be noted, however, that the processes of mineralization and microbial growth, despite the intuitive connection, are not directly linked (
59), since the partitioning of a substrate into growth and respiration varies, resulting in different growth efficiencies (
The close correlation between the decline in bacterial growth and the increase in fungal growth as soil pH declines requires explanation. One potential explanation could be independent physiological limitations by pH of the separate decomposer groups; i.e., low hydrogen ion concentrations limit fungal growth, and high hydrogen ion concentrations limit bacterial growth, with no direct causal connection between the groups of organisms. The negative correlation between fungal growth and bacterial growth is indicative of some dependence between the groups, however. Artificially reducing the bacterial contribution to decomposition using selective inhibitors clearly revealed a negative correlation between bacterial growth and fungal growth, indicating a negative influence of bacteria on fungal growth (
55). Selectively manipulating the fungal contribution to decomposition while monitoring the response of bacterial growth to investigate the reciprocal influence of fungi on bacterial growth in soil has not been attempted using growth-related techniques. A possible mechanism for the negative correlation between bacterial growth and fungal growth along the Hoosfield acid strip (congruent with previous findings [
55]) is that low pH is physiologically disadvantageous to the bacteria, decreasing bacterial competition and thus favoring fungal growth. Applying selective fungal and bacterial inhibitors (
55) may resolve this question and demonstrate, e.g., if an increase in fungal growth can occur if growth of the bacterial population is suppressed.
The biomass-based measurements gave a different picture of the importance of fungi and bacteria along the pH gradient than the growth-based measurements gave (cf. Fig.
3B and
4C). The lack of large effects on the fungal PLFA/bacterial PLFA ratio caused by a change in the soil pH is consistent with earlier results obtained using, e.g., PLFA-based techniques (
32) and total soil microbial biomass measurements combined with ergosterol to distinguish fungi (
45). This does not support the established concept that fungi are more abundant in acid soils, such as forest soils (
39). However, one factor to which studies of pH influence may be particularly susceptible is the influence of mycorrhizae. A natural soil pH gradient is often correlated with a vegetation gradient and thus has different degrees of ectomycorrhizal colonization. Typically, there is a shift toward vegetation with more ectomycorrhizae as the pH declines (
48). Consequently, conclusions concerning the effects of pH on the proportions of fungi and bacteria as decomposers may be compromised if biomarkers that also are indicative of ectomycorrhizae, such as ergosterol and PLFA 18:2ω6,9, are used (
48), potentially exaggerating the importance of saprotrophic fungi at low pH. The only mycorrhizae potentially present in the Hoosfield acid strip were arbuscular mycorrhizae, which do not contain ergosterol (
49), and thus this factor should not have influenced our results.
The selective respiratory inhibition technique (
3) has also been used to monitor effects of soil pH on fungi and bacteria. Using this technique, increases in the fungal biomass/bacterial biomass ratio of 4.5-fold between pH 7 and 3 (
12) and of two- to sixfold between pH 6 and 3 (
17) have been reported. However, the partitioning of potential respiration by using antibiotics to estimate fungal and bacterial biomasses has repeatedly been challenged (
64). Still, it is noteworthy that this biomass technique, which inherently relies on active microorganisms, has high responsiveness to pH effects. The results obtained with it thus most closely resemble the results obtained with the growth-based techniques that we used in the present study. However, the 30-fold difference in the fungal growth/bacterial growth ratio resulting from changing soil pH is at least fivefold greater than the fungal biomass/bacterial biomass ratio response (maximum, sixfold) obtained using the selective respiratory inhibition technique.
Why did biomass measurements deviate from growth measurements? It has been suggested that the frequently observed lack of change in biomass measurements compared to growth measurements can be due to predatory effects (
53); i.e., changes in the production of bacterial biomass are not reflected in the biomass since the next trophic level quickly absorbs the increase (
20). Increases in bacterial predator biomass have indeed been detected in soil treated to increase bacterial growth (
58). With additional assumptions, a similar dynamic could also explain the discrepancy between fungal biomass and growth in the present study.
However, bacterial PLFAs appeared to be particularly stable. This could be due to the active part of the biomass being relatively small compared to the dormant part (
53), obscuring significant changes. In addition, bacterial PLFAs may be less sensitive to environmental disturbances than fungal PLFA markers (
35), which might indicate different turnover times for different markers (
53). However, the microbial community along the Hoosfield acid strip has had numerous decades to adapt its composition to prevalent conditions, rendering this explanation doubtful in the present study.
In conclusion, this study showed that neutral or slightly alkaline conditions favored bacterial growth. Conversely, an acid pH favored fungal growth. This resulted in an increase in the relative importance of fungi by a factor of 30 from pH 8.3 to pH 4.5. The drastic shift in fungal and bacterial growth affected basal respiration in the same pH range to a relatively minor extent, possibly suggesting functional redundancy in C mineralization. It was not possible to reconcile bacterial and fungal biomass measurements with growth measurements, which compromises the reliability of biomass-based methods to properly assess the relative importance of fungi and bacteria in soil. The use of growth-based measurements proved to be a sensitive way to compare the relative importance of the two major decomposer groups in soil, fungi and bacteria.