Comparison of acidobacterial subdivisions present in the agricultural and managed grassland soils.
Plant litter and root exudates are abundant sources of carbon and energy for microbial communities in fertile soils. To better define the potential niches of acidobacteria in soil, in particular their potential role in degrading plant biomass, we conducted a DNA-based survey of the distribution of acidobacteria in agricultural and managed grassland soils, compared the composition of acidobacteria isolated from these soils with growth media amended with plant polymers or readily oxidizable carbon, enriched for isolates using plant polymers, and characterized selected strains that were capable of using plant polymers as well as simple sugars for growth.
The specific phylogenetic affiliations of nearly full-length acidobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences from the agricultural and managed grassland soils revealed large proportions of subdivisions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and minor contributions of subdivisions 11 and 17 (less than 2% of the acidobacterial community) (Fig.
1). Only acidobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were recovered. Members of the remaining subdivisions were not detected, possibly due to mismatches between the forward primer and the 16S rRNA genes from these subdivisions, as noted previously when the
Acidobacteria-targeting 31F primer was designed (
5), or because they were not abundant enough to be detected in our clone libraries.
The compositions of the acidobacterial communities differed significantly between these soils based on ∫-LIBSHUFF analysis (
P < 0.0001) (
62). The agricultural soils were dominated by subdivision 4 sequences that comprised 41% of the total acidobacterial clone library, while the managed grassland soil contained only 19% subdivision 4 sequences. The increase in subdivision 4 sequences in the agricultural soil relative to the managed grassland soil was not due to the increased abundance of a particular sequence, and the overall richness of this group increased, as illustrated by the appearance of new clades (see section S2, gray boxes of subdivision 4, in the supplemental material). Sequences from the managed grassland soil were more evenly distributed among the dominant subdivisions (1, 3, 4, and 6), with an average percentage across these subdivisions of ca. 23% (Fig.
Agricultural and managed grassland soils were characterized based on pH, moisture, and percentage of carbon and nitrogen (g C or N per 100 g soil) (Table
1). The managed grassland soil had ca. 2-fold-higher levels of soil moisture, carbon, and nitrogen. To explore potential drivers of the dominance of subdivision 4 sequences in the agricultural soil, we examined correlations between the percentages of subdivision 4 sequences with various edaphic properties, such as moisture, pH, nitrogen, and carbon concentrations. Carbon availability appeared to be one of the factors influencing the composition of the acidobacterial community. There was a significant, negative correlation between the portion of subdivision 4 sequences and the organic carbon concentration (
P < 0.0001; Fig.
2). This observation is consistent with the finding that subdivision 4 acidobacteria are more abundant in arid soils which are also low in total carbon (C. R. Kuske, unpublished data) and the recent finding that a putative subdivision 4 acidobacterium harbors pathways for the fixation of carbon dioxide (
Cultivation of aerobic heterotrophs using readily oxidizable carbon and plant polymers.
In an effort to isolate new acidobacterial strains, agricultural and managed grassland soils were used as inocula for media containing either plant polymers or readily oxidizable carbon as the primary carbon and energy source. The plant polymer medium contained compounds representing some of the major constituents of plant biomass: methyl cellulose, xylan (derived from oat spelts, larch, and birchwood), and pectin, along with gellan gum as the solidifying agent. The inclusion of plant polymers reduced the total recovery of bacteria from both agricultural and managed soils by approximately 6-fold compared to the medium containing readily oxidizable carbon (ca. 3.5 × 107 [plant polymers] versus ca. 0.6 × 107 [readily oxidizable carbon] CFU/gram of soil [dry weight]).
These enrichment plates were screened for the presence of acidobacterial colonies using plate wash PCR with
Acidobacteria-targeting primers. A total of 44 acidobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from plates amended with plant polymers (
n = 16) and readily oxidizable carbon (
n = 28; this study and previous studies [
70]). The acidobacterial sequences were aligned and analyzed for subdivision-level placement. The null hypothesis was that the subdivision-level placements of acidobacteria growing on readily oxidizable carbon and plant polymers were equal given the similar enrichment methodologies.
Plates amended with plant polymers resulted in the growth of more phylogenetically diverse acidobacteria than the readily oxidizable carbon plates. Members of subdivisions 1, 3, and 4 were identified on plates amended with plant polymers (Fig.
3, gray boxes), while only subdivision 1 sequences were identified on plates amended with readily oxidizable carbon (Fig.
3, black boxes). The average genetic distance among acidobacterial sequences detected when plant polymers were used as the carbon source was ca. 12%, compared to ca. 2% on plates amended with readily oxidizable carbon based on MEGA4 (
72). The phylogenetic composition of acidobacteria enriched with plant polymers was significantly different from the composition that appeared on plates with readily oxidizable carbon (Unifrac
P < 0.01; ∫-LIBSHUFF
P < 0.05). The increased genetic distance of acidobacterial sequences from plates amended with plant polymers suggests that plant polymers select for more diverse acidobacteria than acidobacteria cultivated with readily oxidizable carbon.
The inocula of these plates came from either agricultural or managed grassland soil management regimes. The patterns of carbon use by acidobacteria were further compared between the two soil management regimes. A significant difference (P < 0.03, Unifrac significance test) between the managed grassland and agricultural soils was identified, indicating that the acidobacteria capable of plant polymer degradation were not the same in the two soil regimes. The distribution of this carbon utilization phenotype clearly warrants further study of these and other soils.
Characterization of novel plant polymer-degrading acidobacterial strains.
Six new acidobacterial strains were isolated during these cultivation studies. Two novel strains, KBS 83 and KBS 96, were further characterized. Both strains were isolated from VL-5.5-PP from the agricultural soil after incubation at room temperature for ca. 30 days in air. Figure
4 depicts a phylogenetic tree of nearly full-length sequences for the new strains. Strains KBS 83 and 96 were compared to closely related, validated genera such as
Acidobacterium (
Terriglobus (
Edaphobacter (
Bryobacter (
31), and
Granulicella (
47). Strain KBS 83 is a member of subdivision 1 and is distantly related to the genera
Edaphobacter, and
Granulicella, with sequence identities of ca. 94%, 92%, 94%, and 91%, respectively. It is most similar (ca. 98%) to an environmental clone from a polychlorinated biphenyl-polluted soil (clone WD226, AJ292577) (
46). Strain KBS 96 is a member of subdivision 3 and is ca. 91% identical to strains in the genus
Bryobacter and ca. 93% identical to “
Candidatus Solibacter usitatus” strain Ellin 6076.
Colonies of the newly described acidobacteria were small, approximately 1 mm in diameter (after ca. 14 to 21 days of incubation), and had a circular form with a convex elevation and undulate margin when grown on MHM-5 with glucose under air. Colonies of strain KBS 83 were smooth, glutinous white colonies, whereas the colonies of strain KBS 96 had smooth, butyrous pale-yellow-pigmented colonies. These strain took approximately 2 to 3 weeks to form a visible colony on the surface of the agar plate. Neither strain KBS 83 nor KBS 96 was pigmented like strains of the
Terriglobus genus (
Cells of both strains were short, plump, Gram-negative, nonmotile rods measuring ca. 0.5 μm by 0.4 μm (strain KBS 83) and 1 μm by 0.4 μm (strain KBS 96) when grown on MHM-5 with glucose. Cells possessed exaggerated convoluted outer membranes when viewed by TEM, as is typical of a Gram-negative type cell wall (Fig.
5 A and B [strain KBS 83] and C and D [strain KBS 96]). Both strains produced an extracellular matrix of as-yet-unknown chemical composition, which caused cells to stick together tightly in colonies and form visible clumps in liquid culture similarly to the previously isolated strains in the
Terriglobus genus (
15). Strain KBS 83 typically appeared in clumps of four cells, as seen under phase-contrast and transmission electron microscopy (Fig.
5A and B), and was held together in this tetrad by capsular material visible in electron micrographs (Fig.
5A). Capsules or extracellular polysaccharides have been shown to promote bacterial adhesion (
9) and soil aggregation (
3) and prevent desiccation (
52), all of which would be beneficial for a soil microorganism.
The characteristics of the new strains are summarized in Table
2. Strains KBS 83 and KBS 96 preferred mildly acidic pH conditions. Growth was observed for strain KBS 83 over a pH range of 4.5 to 6.0 (growth rates were highest at 5.0) and for strain KBS 96 over a pH range of 4.0 to 6.0 (growth rates were highest at 6.0). The preference of these strains for mildly acidic pH is consistent with the pH of their native soil environment.
Strains KBS 83 and KBS 96 were tested for their ability to use nitrate via either denitrification, nitrate reduction to ammonium, or nitrate reduction. Under the conditions tested, neither strain appeared capable of denitrification or dissilimatory nitrate reduction to ammonia. Strain KBS 96 reduced a small percentage (ca. 3%) of nitrate to nitrite.
The carbon utilization profiles of these new strains were compared to those of previously characterized strains, specifically
Edaphobacter modestus strain Jbg-1,
Edaphobacter aggregans strain Wbg-1 (
29), strains in the genus
Granulicella (
Bryobacter aggregatus (
31), and
Terriglobus roseus strain KBS 63 (
15). The metabolic characteristics of these strains are summarized in Table
2. The newly isolated strains have a broader metabolic capacity which distinguishes them from previous acidobacterial strains (
15) and extends the potential niches that might be occupied by acidobacteria to the degradation of plant polymers in soil. Two new strains capable of plant polymer degradation, KBS 83 and KBS 96, were capable of growth on a diverse collection of complex organic compounds, including xylan, cellulose, methyl cellulose, syringate, pectin, and ferulate (Table
2). Like previous strains, KBS 83 and KBS 96 were also able to grow on a range of mono-, di-, and trisaccharides that are the primary sugars in plant root exudate: glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, and raffinose (
42). In comparing the carbon utilization profiles of our new strains with those of other aforementioned strains (Table
2), it appears that members of subdivision 1 and 3 are able to utilize many forms of plant polymers.
The versatility of heterotrophic metabolism in the phylum
Acidobacteria has also been documented in the genomes of three previous characterized strains with the potential to oxidize a range of carbon substrates, including chitin, starch, xylan, and pectin (
75). In addition, these genomes are populated with various oxygenases presumably used in the degradation of aromatic compounds.
Members of the phylum
Acidobacteria have been found both in bulk soil (
22) and in the rhizosphere (
37). It is reasonable to suggest that their versatility in heterotrophic metabolism allows them to exploit various niches in the soil environment, for example, plant polymer degradation in bulk soil and readily oxidizable carbon in the rhizosphere. Although acidobacteria may not grow quickly, their genomes encode high-affinity ABC transporters for sugars (
75) that could provide a competitive advantage in the rhizosphere when carbon concentrations are low. Furthermore, these newly isolated strains contain either one (strain KBS 83) or two (strain KBS 96) copies of the
rrs gene (Table
2), a genomic marker for oligotrophy in bacteria (
27). Oligotrophic bacteria, such as acidobacteria, have the capacity to survive in environments where nutrients are low (
16). Taken together, these data suggest that select members of subdivision 1 and 3 in the phylum
Acidobacteria have the potential to play an active role in the degradation of plant polymers in bulk soil and utilize sugars from plant root exudates at various concentrations in the rhizosphere.
The heterogeneity of soil creates not only habitats with different types and concentrations of carbon but also gradients of oxygen. Oxygen can be depleted as soil moisture increases (
74), creating transition zones between oxic and anoxic conditions (
64). These transition zones provide a habitat for microaerophiles, organisms not capable of growing or growing poorly under atmospheric concentrations of oxygen, presumably due to an increased sensitivity to toxic forms of oxygen such as H
2, O
2−, and OH· (
Strain KBS 83 grew significantly faster at oxygen concentrations between 4% and 16% (avg.
P value = 0.01) than at atmospheric concentrations of oxygen (21%, vol/vol); it grew optimally at 8% oxygen (μ = 0.014 h
−1) (Fig.
6), indicating that it is microaerophilic. Strain KBS 96 grew qualitatively better under atmospheric concentrations of oxygen. Although strain KBS 83 was catalase positive, illustrating that cells have the capacity to protect against peroxides, this enzyme's effectiveness might be low, similar to that of certain
Campylobacter species classically described as microaerophiles (
55). Previous work demonstrated that the inclusion of catalase, as well as incubation under microoxic conditions, increased the frequency of acidobacterial detection by ca. 3.3- and 1.3-fold, respectively, in initial cultivation experiments (
70). Members of the genus
Terriglobus produce a carotenoid(s) which is differentially synthesized in response to oxygen concentrations, suggestive of an oxidative stress response (
In summary, the influence of organic resources was assessed to explore the distribution and cultivation of acidobacteria in agricultural and managed grassland soils in Michigan. The inclusion of plant polymers in the enrichment medium increased the diversity of acidobacteria cultivated but decreased the total number of heterotrophs recovered compared to the results with readily oxidizable carbon. Two novel plant polymer-degrading acidobacteria were isolated and characterized. The capacity to degrade plant polymers, along with other characteristics described in this report, helps define niches of these slow-growing bacteria.